Source code for smart_media.admin

from django.contrib import admin as django_admin

from .modelfields import SmartMediaField
from .widgets import ClearableFileInputButton

[docs]class SmartAdminMixin: """ A class to mix with a Django admin class to the use right widget definition for model field ``modelfields.SmartMediaField``. .. Note:: This is required because ModelAdmin translate model fields to widgets using a list of harcoded relations between fields and widgets. It results in field definitions from ``SmartMediaField.formfield`` to be ignored and ``SmartMediaField`` using admin widget ``AdminFileWidget`` instead of expected ``ClearableFileInputButton``. This mixin will be safe to use with specific model admins that does not allows to inherit from ``SmartModelAdmin``. Example: Your model admin just have to inherit from this class in addition to the model admin class: :: from django.contrib import admin from smart_media.admin import SmartAdminMixin from myapp.models import MyModel @admin.register(MyModel) class MyModelAdmin(SmartAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin): ... If you can't use it, just copy the source of ``SmartAdminMixin.formfield_overrides`` (see source) into your own model admin. """ formfield_overrides = { SmartMediaField: { "widget": ClearableFileInputButton, }, }
[docs]class SmartModelAdmin(SmartAdminMixin, django_admin.ModelAdmin): """ A model admin class to include ``SmartAdminMixin``. It is only required with model forms in Django admin. If your model admin already inherit from a specific admin class, you will prefer to use the ``SmartAdminMixin``. Example: Your model admin just have to inherit from this class: :: from django.contrib import admin from smart_media.admin import SmartModelAdmin from myapp.models import MyModel @admin.register(MyModel) class MyModelAdmin(SmartModelAdmin): ... """ pass